Another successful fashion season completed. This season m2m damoreJon team not only completed their own season of shows but was able to be of support to another amazing artist. Elle Gerstein, spokes person for Essie. We also got a chance to chat with Essie herself. What a success story.
Then we had the honor of taking charge in 25 shows in London Fashion Week VauxHall lead by our team leader Dawn "Pebbles" Aikens and her team of artist Lori Baker, Nadia Blanco, Jessica Marks, Dominque Meredith. Our regular run with one of our favorites Nicole Farhi, supported by new team members Penny Owens and Kate Brooks.
Minx, also was part of this seasons extra-ordinary show season. The gold mirrow like applicays proved to be a major hit for us this season.
24 colors used, 6 nail technicians, 2 time zones what does this require? Team work, great leadership skills and trust.
No way in this life or the life to come can anyone feel that they can do everything. You can have the S on your chest and on our back and it still wouldn't be possible.
Being proficient in skills is not enough to build a career. Building a net work is key for growth and prosperity.
m2m damoreJon team members is built on the philosphy of support thy brother.
Artist are encouraged to develop their skill, bring more to the table then just the ability to polish nails. Besides being international, artists coming from Japan, England, United States, and the Caribbean,and South America the skills that are brought to the table are unstoppable.
Now with 3 years of show sponsorship we are ready to take over the nail polish industry by building bridges with international artists....look out for us in your region.
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